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Old 10-22-2007, 11:23 PM   #44
Burning Bright
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I'm not trolling and I don't see any humor here at all. I just wanted to see what the consensus was and I must say that I'm suprised. You all sound just like my daughter's principal. I'm SHOCKED that nobody sees my point of view and agrees with me.

As for my use of the word intimate, I'll paste from below: Unabridged (v 1.1) -
in·ti·mate1 [in-tuh-mit]

–adjective 1. associated in close personal relations: an intimate friend.
2. characterized by or involving warm friendship or a personally close or familiar association or feeling: an intimate greeting.
3. very private; closely personal: one's intimate affairs.
4. characterized by or suggesting privacy or intimacy; warmly cozy: an intimate little café.
5. (of an association, knowledge, understanding, etc.) arising from close personal connection or familiar experience.
6. engaged in or characterized by sexual relations.
7. (of clothing) worn next to the skin, under street or outer garments: intimate apparel.
8. detailed; deep: a more intimate analysis.
9. showing a close union or combination of particles or elements: an intimate mixture.
10. inmost; deep within.
11. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the inmost or essential nature; intrinsic: the intimate structure of an organism.
12. of, pertaining to, or existing in the inmost depths of the mind: intimate beliefs.
–noun 13. an intimate friend or associate, esp. a confidant.

Ok, I'm back. I'm using the word as used in the first 5 definitions. It doesn't even refer to sexuality until definition 6.

I'm just saying that I want my daughter to behave and dress like a lady and to have definate boundaries with the opposite sex until she's married. I don't want her to be casual about stuff like that. Am not worried about her when she's 5, I'm training her in proper behavior now for when she's 16.

Aren't there enough teen pregnancies and STDs in world? There's nothing wrong with having boundaries.
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