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Old 09-27-2006, 01:30 AM   #1
Cali Coug
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Default Why are Republicans not in open rebellion?

Republicans have had complete control of the government for multiple years now. What have they accomplished?

The party of "fiscal conservativism" has grossly inflated the national debt. This isn't the first time, by the way. The national debt went from about $800 billion at the end of Carter's presidency to about $4 trillion at the end of Reagan's. Clinton ran a surplus as president. This Bush has added trillions of debt already. Can Republicans really say they are the party of fiscal responsibility? Are voters really interested in voting for Republicans because they think they are fiscally responsible?

Social security- what did they do? This has been a linchpin of the party for decades and they have done nothing. Sure, you can say Democrats were obstructionists. But how many Republicans lined up to make reform happen? How many stuck their necks out when everything was on the line?

Welfare- what have they changed? What have they proposed?

Abortion- what have they done? Granted, there are constitutional limitations, but what have they altered within the framework of what is constitutionally permissible?

Border- Exactly how is it more secure today? Does anyone believe it is?

Ports- What have they done to better secure our ports and inspect incoming cargo?

Taxes- Is there anyone who really thinks their tax burden is substantially lighter today than it was when Republicans took complete control of the government? What are they doing to further reform the tax system? How many years have they talked about simplification of the tax system? What has been done? Is it simple?

While you may argue that Democrats wouldn't do anything better, we don't know because they aren't in complete control of the government. Republicans are. And what have they done with it? This Congress will meet less than the Do Nothing Congress, effectively making it the Do Nothingest Congress. They are on pace to meet for 79 days THIS YEAR. 79!!! In February, the House met for 47 HOURS!!! They have complete control of the government, and they are spending their time campaigning to get another term (and what is the purpose of that, if they are to do nothing once elected?).

You can dislike Democrats. But what do you have to like with Republicans? When given the opportunity to do whatever they want, they have done truly nothing.
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