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Old 01-14-2008, 09:23 PM   #1
Homo Erectus
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Default Why do people hate Hillary?

Simple question: Why do Republicans seem to universally despise Hillary Clinton? I've never really been able to understand it. My observation is that pretty much every single Republican, and therefore pretty much every single Utahn, harbors some sort of deep, heartfelt loathing of Hillary Clinton.

As I pose this question to my Hillary-hating friends and family, the responses I receive tend to be shallow, trivial, and in general, complete Red Herrings. Nothing of any particular depth or substance. My step-dad actually made the argument, straight-faced, that he despises her because he's convinced she's a lesbian (why else would she have stayed with Bill after the Monica debacle?). Republicans don't seem to have similar feelings toward Obama or Edwards...just Hillary.

I'm not particularly enamored by Hillary myself, but I certainly don't hold any real contempt for her. Somebody tell me why all you Republicans do.
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