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Old 11-02-2008, 10:42 PM   #7
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SeattleUte has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally Posted by cougarobgon View Post
I have very few friends or acquaintances that have fallen away from the Church and are self proclaimed apostates. Interesting to me, the majority first broke their covenants and then began to recognize the fallacies of the Church or its leaders and eventually fell away or turned away from the Church. I believe one can break their covenants yet still have no doubt the Church is true

For those of you willing to share that consider yourselves apostates, inactives, or on your way there, what came first, the breaking of covenants or your doubts about the Church?
Why can't you just respect your friends' personal beliefs and choices? Does it surprise you that the overwhelming majority of educated people when confronted with claims of angels and Christ appearing in shafts of light dismiss it as myth or fabrication? Does it surprise you that Mormon culture seems, well, banal if not farsical and sacarin, to most people not raised in it? Check out the threads here that discuss sacrament meetings. Seems to me most Mormons capable of critical thought roundly dislike LDS meetings with really rare exceptions (the consensus seems to be maybe 2-3 sacrament meetings a year are not a total waste of time).

Most people who aren't in Mormonism's thrall also don't see anything wrong with a glass of wine or intercourse between unmarried consenting adults. This facile conclusion--"they didn't want to keep the covenants so they invented a brief against Mormonism"--assumes Mormonism has a lot more going for it on the merits than it does and that anyone who opts out of the ultra-conservative Mormon way of life is immoral. It's a parochial and self-deluded view.

By the way, I'd never tasted alcohol or had extra-marital sex when I announced my apostasy as a college student.
Interrupt all you like. We're involved in a complicated story here, and not everything is quite what it seems to be.

—Paul Auster

Last edited by SeattleUte; 11-02-2008 at 11:11 PM.
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