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Old 02-13-2006, 02:15 AM   #10
Cali Coug
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Cali Coug has a little shameless behaviour in the past

Originally Posted by Archaea
there is a difference between public comments, i.e., evisceration, and behind the scenes negotiations.

You are basically distorting comments for your own nefarious purposes.

Republicans do question their leaders, just not as Dems question Republican leaders. If you're unwilling to acknowledge the pragmatic difference, then you're intellectually dishonest.

Where were the vociferous comments by Dems when Bill did wrong? They were few and far between, but behind the scenes I heard them. You're either blind on this issue or two-faced. You choose.
Nefarious purposes? Apparently you have me confused with Binky and the Brain. Tell me what impact these behind the scenes voices are having. Bush continues to adamantly defend the NSA spying. Republicans right and left are stepping up to defend the practice as well. In fact, so many Republicans are stepping up to defend the practice that many Americans are now convinced that there is really nothing wrong with spying on Americans in the first place, despite the total lack of legal justification for what Bush is doing.

Is that Republicans' great plan? Voice displeasure behind the scenes, publicly support Bush, and get the public to accept something that is bad for the country but makes the party look more competent? I can see why you are so concerned that they would lose control of the government.

By the way, why is it whenever Democrats catch Republicans doing something wrong, the immediate reaction is to say, "yeah, but look at what Clinton did!" WHO CARES??? Your position equated what Bush and Clinton did, then implies that Clinton did something wrong but Bush did not. If you are going to equate the actions, at least have a consistent analysis of the actions: they can both be wrong.

Republicans throw around Clinton's actions as if it is some kind of trump card. Whatever Clinton did has no bearing at all on what Bush is now doing. Instead of focusing your arguments on a guy who has been out of office for some time now, try to keep your eye on the ball here.
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