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Old 10-08-2008, 04:19 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
Obama and his friends will take no prisoners. It is going to be like 1980, but the other way around. The judges will all be certified atheists who believe the First Amendment was intended to cover peep shows.

The federal register will quadruple in size. They'll try to nationalize all the health carriers and hospitals. We will see a golden age of protectionism, unions, and isolation.

For better or worse this is the end of America as a super power. World, you're on your own. I hope Western Europe is there to pick up the mantle of leadership in intenational affairs we will have abandoned.

Who is to blame? George Bush and the social conservatives who supported him. (Yes, the Mormons are among the guilty parties; what a great year to offer up Prop. 80, dipshits; karma.) For my part, I'm totally fed up with their knuckleheaded relgious banter and jingoism, so I can only imagine how less conservative voters feel. More than ever I feel the conviction that George W. Bush was our worst president ever. He destroyed the conservative movement--it will likely not recover in 28 years--and quite possibly this country. In his retirement he should be as reviled and despised as Barry Bonds. Bush is evil, and worse, very stupid.
I agree.

This may lead to the literal death of the Republican Party and we may see the advent for several decades of one party monopoly control.

We as Seattle notes will cease to be a world power under his watch and will fall in line with many of the middle powers. Economically, we will move from a market based economy to a much more interventionist, centrally controlled economy.

It will become a lawyer's delight as it will take lawyers to navigate through the monstrosities to be created by the new Bureaucracies. We lawyers will probably do quite well, so those lawyers of us were wrong personally because the work will increase dramatically.

The jurisprudence will change and evolve, not to my liking, but to the liking of people like Cali, Ted Kennedy, and the radical left.

After eight years, I predict our military preparedness will fall to its lowest level of preparedness and we will be unable to make any interventions except little minor episodes such as if Grenada were to offend us. It does not take very long before a military can go from top notch to low morale.

Health care will turn to a single payer system, which will gradually morph into a two tier system again. It will be primary care based and we will in eight years see a problem in a dearth of specialists. It will become a problem to obtain diagnostics. Costs will be controlled, and sometime in the next twenty years physicians will cease to be privately employed but rather all will be salaried and most will become government employees. The morale here will be very low.

Religion will be oppressed and become increasingly insignificant, but it will not disappear altogether but begin to look like it does in Continental Europe, lots of pretty, empty ornate buildings.

The malaise affecting the current younger generations, of no purpose, no direction, and no incentive will become the national norm. The vestiges of the principles of the Greatest Generation will be completely removed from our Nation, and we will become increasingly a nation of entitlements, not of achievement and contributors.

The only real hope for a national cleansing is if Obama completely fails, we experience a worldwide long term economic depression and the national soul is cleansed. We are a sick country, not all the individuals, but our fabric is shredded, it lacks any system of coherent parts or units.

Taxes will continue to mount, and the availability of capital and new markets will continue to slow. In exchange for "transparency", capital will become too expensive, and only the very large companies will be able to afford to comply with the regulatory requirements. We will see a decline in innovations as small businesses will slow in their proliferation.

Oil prices will continue to skyrockets. We will see inefficient, how cost alternative fuels become subsidized but they will remain inefficient and not cost effective. No bother by that time a gallon of gas will cost 12.00 or more so all fuel alternatives will be unaffordable.

So we will see lots of regulations, making us lawyers well paid but nobody will have savings as the tax rates will preclude that. Our banking system will be revised for more and more government ownership and control. Loans may be very expensive and hart to come by.
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