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Old 08-26-2006, 03:55 PM   #2
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That is one of the stupidest, most biased articles I've ever read.

From the article:
"They say economic opportunity and lower crime rates there are offset by subtle racism the black family encounters."

Hmm, the black family encounters subtle racism? Great, give us an example. Oops - not a single example of "subtle racism" was presented. The most racist sentiments in the article were expressed by the black families themselves:

"People in Utah don't know how to act toward black people," he said in his suburban rental home surrounded by lawn. "I personally believe that is my reason, to teach these people how to get along with people of color."

Huh? Why is there some special way I'm supposed to acto toward black people? Why would I act differently toward black people than I do towards any other person? They didn't list a single instance of racism or of not getting along, yet this guy wants to teach me "how to get along with people of color"???

This particular quote is one of the stupidest things I've ever read:

'A year later, Larry Andrews is still filled with doubts:
"We (blacks) used to live in Africa and we were moved to New Orleans and we had to adapt there," he said. "Now we are in Utah and we have to adapt here. We're tired of adapting."'

That's like saying "we're tired of being human beings". I love how people equate every bad thing that ever happened to one of their ancestors as happening to them. And somehow preserving those "feelings" that their ancestors had across generations and generations. And then somehow extending those feelings across all the descendants of their ancestors. This quote makes about as much sense as Larry Andrews quote:

"We (human beings) used to live in caves with stone tools and then somebody invented bronze and we had to adapt. And then someone invented iron and then steel and we had to adapt to those too. We're tired of adapting."

Bottom line: The only racists in this article were the black people themselves. Feeling uncomfortable for no other reason than you are part of a racial minority makes YOU the racist.
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