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Old 05-31-2007, 10:06 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Archaea View Post
I reject the question because it assumes a fact not in evidence. Negative about the Church?

Are you stating in my posts here or in my life? In my life, I have spent a mission, a temple marriage, a lifetime rearing four children active in the Church so that they might be worthy and studious enough to matriculate as undergraduates at BYU. What's negative about that?

Am I negative in the efforts of a few, not most, leaders to restrict the efforts of legitimate scholars to research whatever topic that pleases them? Perhaps you might see my wish for greater academic and artistic freedom as a pejorative expression, but I do not. I see it as an expression to improve BYU and its students. I want our people to be innoculated against the illness arising from a lack of knowledge. The illness of ignorance. In my own life, I struggle to unravel my own ignorance to add learning and knowledge well beyond my formal training. Is this negative toward Church? I thought the rubric about BYU, a subsidiary of the Church, "The World is our Campus, enter to learn, go forth" to earn? little joke there.

Your narrow articulation of what is and what is not permissible is not one I share. But I do respect your right to a narrow view, I just won't take that path.

I do not see negativity, only a healthy expression of ideas. As John Stuart Mill argued, we should allow Truth and Error to grapple before us so that we can see if Truth is stronger and can overcome Error. I am not afraid of Truth, for it strengthens my faith.

Now anwer my positive question which you avoided.
I reject your premise of your question like you reject mine, because you ask it under the guise of not realiizing that you're constantly negative towards the church. That's like poop asking the question "What is the proper amount of stink before eating it?". You almost ALWAYS are negative about almost everything. I could care less about you serving a mission, temple marriage..blah, blah, that supposed to impress me or someone in my mind make me suddenly realize....."Oh wait Arch donated all this time and now he's a pretty pissed off stockholder?"

Until you pull your head out of your arrogant ass, there isn't much to discuss. If you answer my question, we can talk,,,otherwise no. And I've already answered your question, you arrogantly and condescendingly chose to reject and neglect the answer because it doesn't fit your warped and out there style of introspection and "open mindedness". I think your level of imbalance in regards to your question is so lopsided that no matter what answer you get,,you'll come up with a bullshit response for it, just like you always do, to justify your odd behavior.

I find your bizarre and seemingly off the wall intense negative feelings for the church, it's culture, history and doctrine something that I feel bad for you. You're a prisoner to your own "faith" cause it clashes so vehemently with your thought processes.
Masquerading as Cougarguards very own genius dumbass since 05'.

Last edited by RockyBalboa; 05-31-2007 at 10:17 PM.
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