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Old 01-20-2006, 04:05 PM   #15
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Here is what I have seen. Granted, this is only 2 guys and you can't hold everybody up to the same standard.

Both are as queer as a 3 dollar bill. Both acted upon their sexual urges at one point in time or another. Both are now married, active in the church and have what appear to be very happy families.

Here's the trick. Both of them married women who know that they were/are gay. Both of them have wives who do not judge but stand there to help.

The thing they recognize is that there is something they want more than they want to fulfill their sexual urges. There is no way they could "overcome" their sexual urges with plain ol' "I think I can" self control. They have in a way surrendered self control and given themselves to the Lord. By seeking something higher than their own carnal desires, they find happiness and fulfillment in that part of their lives rather than focusing on what they aren't doing.

With regard to Robin's question... I don't know. I think that there are some people who are born with an overwhelming sex drive and there isn't much they can do about it. I think that will be between them and the Lord. The thing to remember is that it is not just that one aspect of our lives which defines us. Just because I'm married and heterosexual doesn't mean I'm going to heaven. If I'm a heartless prick who preys on the poor and helpless, I have a feeling there will sodomites and adulterers who will have a lot easier time before the judgment bar than I will.
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