Thread: Mother's day
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Old 05-14-2007, 02:30 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by myboynoah View Post
So what is this? We've all become a bunch of communists? We can't honor anyone because someone else get their feelings hurt?

Reminds me of some members of the staff here. Every year we give out cash awards to exceptional performers. When we queried the staff for suggestions on how to make the awards program better, they came back pressing for equality (just divide the budgeted money up evenly).

We rejected that suggestion. The next year we presented awards to very deserving recipients, only to have one of the staff go to the big boss in tears over having not been recognized for her efforts during the year (they didn't rise to the same level of others). Pathetic.

What's wrong with honoring motherhood? We all have one, and shouldn't the day be about them and not us?
As a mother, I didn't feel any less valued just because the woman sitting on my row yesterday also received a flower even though she does not have children.

In Relief Society we talk a lot about having a mother's heart. Not all women can be mothers, but most women in the church long to be. The Primary is dominated by women as are daycares and elementary schools. What's wrong with celebrating women and their impact on children whether or not they've had their uterus stretched to make room for one of their own.

Last edited by marsupial; 05-14-2007 at 02:43 PM.
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