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Old 05-02-2007, 03:17 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by MikeWaters View Post
I'm not sure what that means.

If President Taylor said something to the effect that Blacks are the spawn of Satan, it is not appropriate for me to criticize that statement?

When I expressed misgivings about my Stake President banning crewcuts among the young men, is that inappropriate?

What does common consent mean if you can't ever express any dissatisfaction?

Some will say there is an appropriate time and place for such things. Where and when is that?
I think it is like a lot of things. I think there are plenty of things that I can believe, for example, and still answer all my temple recommend questions correctly, hold callings and be in good standing inspite of them not being mainstream or doctrinal. If I were to begin to teach them to others, however, I would have crossed a line.

I would say that if you criticized your SP within the stake in a way that undermined him you would probably be crossing a line. I see no harm in talking about it hear. I guess the next logical question is whether it is inappropriate to criticize leaders in this setting who have stewardship over us all. I suppose I would say it depends on the tone and the spirit of it. I think it is possible to disagree with what a leader says and respectfully state why you believe something else to be correct with out making it personal. I think there is a difference between saying "I respectfully disagree because" and saying "that leader is wrong and is teaching false doctrine."
The Bible tells us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. -Galileo
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