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Old 04-18-2007, 07:35 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by bYuPride View Post
I bought the Nike + Air Moto IV shoe... it's Cougar Blue, Silver and White.. I was actually going get some Nike + shocks, but the main color was red.. I couldn't have that! I bought the kit at Target as directed and the arm band from Wasatch Runner.. I was excited to go run this evening until I looked out my office window and saw blizzard like conditions! Oh well...

For someone who doesn't run much at all... What kind of advice would any of you give to me? I'm 5' 10" and 187 lbs now... I've dropped a few since riding my back over the last couple weeks and I've noticed my calves have been getting bigger! woo woo! I've heard people say definitely stretch before you run, but other than that? I know it's just running, but I don't want to hurt myself and go into depression because I can't ride or run...
As somebody who is 6'2" and now down to about 230 (Oh yeah!) after being 255+ in January, I can say start slow. Don't over do it. The first week or two, start off with runs of a mile to a mile and a half each time you run. I try to vary my runs between going at a steady pace the whole time and running as hard as I can, followed by jogging. But I want to not only improve my endurance, but also improve my speed.

For me, I wanted to work up to running 5K's, since that is a race I think I can do. So I found a route and worked my way up to running it, and now I just try and run the same route, but faster each time I run it. The first time I ran the 5k I ran it around 38 minutes (I am slow) but I've shaved almost 8 minutes off of my time and ran it around 30 minutes yesterday. I would like to get it down to around 24-25 minutes, so I'm almost halfway there.

Anyways, a bit of rambling, hopefully that helps. Whatever you do, just make sure you're having fun. Mixing in running with biking would be an awesome way to get back in shape. I hope to do it as well this summer.
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