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Old 04-14-2007, 03:49 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
Archetypical anti-Mormons like the Tanners and Steve Benson are ultimately not very harmful to the LDS Church. The reason is that arcana such as the "Kinderhook plates," the B of A scrolls, and "reformed Egyptian" becomes their all-consuming obsession. This only lends undue credence to the very nonsense they are attacking. The truth is that none of this is ultimately very interesting except to those who have been wounded by Mormonism. There is not much there there pure and simple. These old tiresome debates are as uninspiring as your average EQ lesson, because they limit themselves to engaging your average EQ nit wit on his terms. By expanding your outlook and placing Mormonism in a larger context the scales fall off of your eyes and it becomes very clear that Mormonism is just a more recent revolution in an age old cycle that has been repeating for 3,000 years and is slowly expiring of its own weight.
I don't understand people like the Tanners or Steve Benson. Why spend all of your time and money on Mormonism? I realize they feel like they were duped and wasted alot of time and money on what they now believe to be a fairytale. So what do they do? They spend more time and money than they did while they were Mormons. Doesn't make any sense to me. By now they must have realized that Mormons don't listen to them. People that have already left the church worship them. You've got to assume that most people that go as far as having their names removed, won't go back anyway. So what have they accomplished?
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