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Old 04-04-2007, 05:51 PM   #16
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bluegoose is on a distinguished road

I've never Spudded in the 4 years that I've been riding. The closest I came was during my second century in Ashland Oregon when some guy on a STEEL framed bike wearing a BLUE BYU jersey almost took me down while stopping at the first rest stop.

I've also never fallen, been hit by a car, been hit by someone throwing crap at me, or anything else that would make my wife want me to stop riding. I did get run off the road once by a guy who veered into the wrong lane while coming towards me, but fortunately there was a nice level grassy shoulder by the side of the road for me to coast into.

And 8-10 miles is fine for your your first 2 weeks of riding. As much as anything, it gives your butt a chance to get used to sitting on the saddle, which is often the limiting factor for most new riders.

Way to go Pride. keep at it.
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