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Old 03-29-2007, 02:23 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by RockyBalboa View Post
I think it's great that people study things. I, myself do that. While I've said that I think the lengths that some people go to is odd, that's their certainly their prerogative. I've never one single time said I begrudge the search for truth. Not once. I challenge you to find where I've ever said otherwise.

Had you actually read me saying that like I've noted repeatedly you'd get where I'm coming from. I respect an HONEST search for truth so let me make this clear for the bazillionth time...I do not respect a search for truth cloaked with the real intention to bring down and hurt. Let me say that again...I DO NOT RESPECT A SEARCH FOR TRUTH CLOAKED WITH THE REAL INTENTION TO BRING DOWN AND HURT.

Is it maybe of any coincidence to you that time and again those intellectuals who finally do find their testimony usually have it occur through a confirmation of the Holy Ghost? Amazing concept I know. If this happens during the course of search for truth then that is great. However, we've been counseled time and again to be wary of getting side tracked. I find that many of the smartest men I know or read, some of which are on here, rely on their intellect rather than their spirit for the truth. And this is where I think they end up torturing themselves needlessly. In the end does their journey on a slippery slope become more and more subtle before it's too late and they become ensconced in their pride and thus there's no turning back for them. Their "intellect" has destroyed their testimony or begun to do so and if it's pointed out to them, then suddenly the person who points that out is the asshole and the intellectual becomes further and further stubborn in their pride.

Ironically many times this is how the intellectuals end up destroying their testimony rather than enhancing it. They suddenly think they've "seen the light" like SU has. Many times they end up believing that they've outhought others by suddenly believeing they've discovered that the church isn't true.

You can continue to rely on the arm of flesh. I choose to do otherwise, I believe Faith is the most powerful form of truth I can yield in ANY argument against any intellectual, while at the same time knowing full well, that I to, am I not careful can fall at any time. There are also times that certain subjects brought up by others that I just don't see how or where that's relevant to a testimony, rather than another way to try and convince themselves that maybe what they believe isn't true after all. The constant harping on some of the peculiarities in the church does nothing to build up one's testimony, even though you "intellectuals" will argue to the umpteenth degree otherwise.

If you don't believe there are certain individuals on here who harbor this desire to hurt your testimony of the Gospel then you my friend, are a fool. And if that is abrasive to you, then so be it, maybe you'll wake up and finally see what I've been talking about and what I've pointed out, but I doubt, because're an "intellectual", and will seek to defend the "intellectuals" regardless of their obvious intentions.
Obviously we're going to continue to talk past each other. So be it.
The Bible tells us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. -Galileo
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