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Old 02-08-2007, 07:27 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by YOhio View Post
It was such a golden opportunity for Jazz fans to show how open minded and tolerant we are. But no, the person who came out had to be the lazy guy who loafed through his NBA career after getting a decent contract.

Not only that, but he had to make Greg Ostertag to be the good guy while throwing Malone, Sloan and Larry Miller under the bus. Sure, Larry Miller's a bigot but the guy who stole millions from him is the brave hero.
Yeah, after a fully irrelevant career stealing millions from us all, he is suddenly relevant. I found this interesting for the D-News article:
"The Web site said Amaechi writes of his first sexual experiences in the United States and 'how the Utah Jazz and Salt Lake City, controlled by the Latter Day Saints, was an odd backdrop for what felt like his coming out party.'

It also quotes him as saying he was 'practically daring reporters to take the bait and out me, but it never happened.'

Jazz beat writers Tim Buckley of the Deseret Morning News and Phil Miller of The Salt Lake Tribune said Wednesday they didn't notice Amaechi trying to bait them. He did not openly ask them to report such news. It was fairly common knowledge within the team about what Amaechi terms his 'open secret.'"
What an idiot, like Jazz Fans cared who he was sleeping with. Was the fact that he was gay newsworthy? All we cared about was what he did on the court, which was very, very little. Give us 10-15 pts a game along with 6-10 rebounds and sports fans become very practical.

David Stern said it best:
"We have a very diverse league. The question at the NBA is always 'have you got game?' That's it, end of inquiry. "
Amaechi had no game, at least on the court.
Give 'em Hell, Cougars!!!

Religion rises inevitably from our apprehension of our own death. To give meaning to meaninglessness is the endless quest of all religion. When death becomes the center of our consciousness, then religion authentically begins. Of all religions that I know, the one that most vehemently and persuasively defies and denies the reality of death is the original Mormonism of the Prophet, Seer and Revelator, Joseph Smith.
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