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Old 02-07-2007, 05:42 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Venkman View Post
As a taxpaying citizen of Utah, I do not hope for the latter. The legislature is rolling in dough like pigs in slop. I want the majority of it back in the form of tax cuts, the rest for road projects and education. I don't want one penny given to Checketts and his minor sport stadium.
Let us understand these tax $ correctly.

The TRT tax was extended so that the state could give those monies to the county to give to the infrastructure around the stadium, as well to purchase the land.

If there was no RSL there wouldn't be these excess TRT funds.

The county took those funds and decided their pet projects were more important. Again, the county would not have these funds if RSL didn't exist. None of it would go to education.

Caroon is an idiot who factored in $20million for the parking structure into RSL's numbers. Caroon the idiot forgot that $20million was going to be spent on the parking structure regardless if RSL was going to stay or go. Including those numbers made the DRC go against the funding.

The house will be voting on this today and it is likely to pass and the Gov will sign the bill and RSL will get their stadium.
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