Thread: Cyber predators
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Old 12-19-2005, 11:46 PM   #7
Nobody Special
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Nobody Special

As sickening as that show was, I can't even imagine what would make them want to do such a thing.

The Rabbi was just creepy he acted like because I'm a Rabbi you can't do this to me. But the guy sitting on the chair naked, getting himself "ready" was truely the most dispicable of all of them. He should be taken out to the barn, nailed to a pole an handed a dull butter knife, as you light the barn on fire. I felt no sympathy for him at all.

The military intelligence guy that was into animals, well for some strange reason I felt sorry for him. Having family in the military and knowing how they deal with people, he's in a world of hurt.

And to this day I'm not sure why I felt sorry for them at all. Maybe, because people who abuse have usually been abused themselves.

I know of several people who have been abused and it messes a person up for life. They have never really gotten past the abuse that they recieved as a child. So, they were messed up to begin with I suppose. But, that still doesn't make it right.

But what an aweful show to watch. My wife and I had a sick feeling in our stomachs after watching the original. I haven't seen the follow up yet.
Just a thought from Nobody Special.

Go Cougars!
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