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Old 12-19-2005, 08:36 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by non sequitur
Originally Posted by fuegote
If the order was coming from the prophet...without question. but then again, I'm a "good little sheep."
I remember on my mission we were teaching a guy, and he was ready to get baptized. We hadn't talked to him about tithing yet, and when we did the guy just made some comment to the effect of "Ah, there's the catch. That's what this is all about."

That was the last time we ever saw the guy, and I remember at the time I felt like a used car salesman. I didn't try to convince the guy of the virtues of paying tithing; I just let him go. That was the first time I realized I didn't have a testimony of tithing.
I have a testimony of tithing because it is the only area of my life where I can compete with other members of the church in terms of having stories you don't quite believe when you hear other people share them. I have had many experiences like that with tithing and for exactly that reason (also because I hate being a pharisee) I don't share them. For me, this is a principle that I have tested and it simply works. I wish every other principle were as easy as this one is for me. There are others that are MUCH harder and are not so easily tested. That is just one guy's experience FWIW.
The Bible tells us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. -Galileo
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