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Old 11-29-2005, 05:04 PM   #13
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Default Re: I've always viewed the BoM...

Originally Posted by il Padrino Ute
Originally Posted by fusnik11

i dont understand the sentiment some people share that regardless if it took place or not i believe its an inspired book. not saying thats what you are saying, but to say the message it teaches is important and nothing else is a little weird.

it is very important to know, or feel that joseph smith translated the book or mormon. its absolutely important.

i think this is why the church doesnt really talk about the way in which joseph smith 'translated' the book of mormon. as it wasnt really a translation, as much as it was revelation. but it is important that that revelation was inspired by him being in physical possession of literal plates. if it was a contrived, inspired story, count me out.
I'm only saying that I've read the book several times and can't deny the truths within it. I don't need to have physical proof to know that it's a book of scripture written by ancient prophets and brought forth for us in today's world.

I've never doubted that the plates existed either. My personal experiences are enough to convince me of their existence and nothing can detract me from that belief.

I don't have a problem that you have a different point of view, just as you are accepting of my point of view. Perhaps it's because we've had diffent life experiences as far as the BoM is concerned. Nothing wrong with that.

As for your comment and I'll paraphrase here " say the message it teaches is important and nothing else is a little weird", I can only respond by saying this: I don't have to try heroin to know it's bad for me.
weird was the wrong word to use on my part. different is what i should have said. me of all people, who has a very liberal view of the gospel and my place in it should not be calling anyones belief system weird.

my comments were more of an extension of a conversation i had with a friend very similar to the one we are having here. he essentially said, he doesnt really care if lehi or nephi came across the ocean blue, as he knows the principle contained in the bom are true and lead to eternal salvation.

this struck me as 'weird' as i could not figure out how he reconciled the bom being the cornerstone of our religion and possibly being a made up story, a fairy tale of sorts.....i dont understand the mindframe of one who thinks this way. like i said if its a story that was made up, count me out.
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