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Old 10-24-2006, 04:44 PM   #52
Jeff Lebowski
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: In the heart of darkness (Provo)
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Originally Posted by Archaea View Post
What really is the big hang up on it?

It is indisputable that tobacco isn't a benefit for our consumption.

And if others can consume certain portions of the coffees and teas, so what? Are we really so selfish that we're not willing to give up a few things to show some devotion to a cause? There isn't anything I consume that I wouldn't be willing to give up, if I had to.

Many cultures do this. Eastern religions often eschew many substances to show self-discipline and restraint.

What concerns me are those who misunderstand the spirit of the commandment, "do things to keep yourself healthy!" "Here's a health code that will make you healthier!"

If our religion is to cause us to be better, to think better, to treat our felllow men better and to improve our own health, how is it that we can have mullahs who pontificate whether hot chocolate should be included, but at the same time, those persons feel justified in ignoring exercise and being morbidly obese? That is the true irony for me.
You are making my case for me. Yes, the alcohol and tobacco restrictions are plain common sense. As is the general counsel of healthy living. Beyond that (hot drinks, avoid meat, wheat for man, etc...) it gets more fuzzy and yet we draw a hard line (deny baptism and temple recommends) on some things (coffee/tea) and not on others (meat). Yes, it's an easy thing, but it seems odd to make such a life/death issue out of something so seemingly trivial as coffee, especially in light of the spirit in which the original revelation was given. And as you say, there are many other issues which have a greater impact on our health that are not prescribed in the WoW.

Originally Posted by Archaea View Post
Any person who doesn't wish to belong to the Church due to our health code will probably stumble upon many other things.
Yes, that may be true. But at the same time, new members and investigators are at the very early stages of their spiritual development and things that seem trivial to you or me may end up being a big deal to them. Seems like a shame to me that we make their entry into the faith more difficult than it perhaps should be.

But hey, what do I know? This is just my personal opinion.
"... the arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King, Jr.
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