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Old 10-11-2006, 08:38 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by fusnik11 View Post
That's my point, there is a huge difference between, not studying film, working out hard, paying attention in practice because you hate the coach, and going onto the field of competition and purposefully missing assignments, making blocks, upholding the rules of the game, etc, so that your coach gets fired.

Tanking a game is akin to throwing a game. If the players are throwing games, they literally should have their scholarships revoked, should be kicked out of school, should be blotted out of the school's history, and their familial relations should be investigated thorougly. Throwing a game so your coach loses employment is like taking money from a bookie to throw a game.
And how would you feel, if you were the NEW coach, and you knew that they players beforehand didn't give their all. Didn't study film, didn't work out hard... would you still want those guys on your team?

Like I said earlier, Bronco didn't demand his players to be 'fully invested' because he thought it was a good gimmick. It was a serious problem with a lot of players when he took over.

If LR Jr. openly admitted to losing so Crowton would get fired, that is dispicable. If I was on a team and a teammate of mine did that, I would be VERY upset about it. Especially if that players dad was one of the guys who could be next in line to take over.
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