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Old 10-04-2006, 08:19 PM   #27
jay santos
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Originally Posted by Archaea View Post
Why does calling somebody a name show somebody has cajones?

Here's an example: if I were in Cairo, sitting in a cafe discussing Middle East politics, how would disagreeing with the locals, by saying, "Oh yeah, you guys just hate Jews and are bunch of towel heads" prove my courage?

Questions: "how would that prove anything other than my stupidity?"

How would that advance any discussion?

Are you just trying to end discussion, because your name calling isn't advancing a discussion and isn't provoking any interesting reaction?

You don't have to be friends, but repeated name calling doesn't do anything but make the place uncivil.

And people are nuanced. Hoya is a leftist but intelligent capable of dissecting the Right, while blind to the foibles of the Left.

Seattle has active LDS siblings with whom he interacts civilly. If he's nothing but a troll, then your name-calling is giving him what he wants. If not, then you're irritating somebody you need not irritate. Either way, it appears to be a wrong choice.

Are you trying to drive him away? Nobody's trying to drive you awaw; in fact, you're welcome here, but why not a civil discussion. We all have asked for that after some heated discussions which led nowhere.
Nearly all of SU's posts on this board and CB have anti-Mormonism as the motive. His agenda is to belittle anything LDS, BYU, church leaders past and present. He has no belief or moral system himself--or he is constantly switching them when it is convenient to his point. He uses whatever angle he can to oppose every issue, no matter how illogical or inconsistent with prior posts. Just because he can do so skillfully doesn't make the content any different than Rocky's more obtuse approach. I'm not backing Rocky's approach, but your buttkissing of SU is out of place in this instance.
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