Thread: We're screwed
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Old 07-09-2009, 12:47 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by Cali Coug View Post
The point, in case you missed it (and you clearly did), I believe is that Obama has been in office for less than 6 months and you are saying the economy is all his now. Bush was in office for a bit over 8 months when 9/11 occurred. Shouldn't that be all his too?

Alternatively, you could take the more honest position that responsibility cannot be allocated solely to one individual or party, but you won't.
Originally Posted by All-American View Post
Obama has been in office for less than 6 months and you are saying the economy is all his now. Bush was in office for a bit over 8 months when 9/11 occurred. Shouldn't that be all his too?

Now Tex, I'm generally on your side of these debates. I'd say I'm generally on your side in THIS debate. But it won't do to say that 9/11 was a problem Bush inherited from Clinton at the same time as arguing that Obama now bears all of the blame for the economy.

I don't put all of the blame on Bush for 9/11, and I don't think Obama should shoulder all of the blame for the lousy economy. In fact, my biggest criticism of Obama is that he thinks he can he can cure it. He'll spend trillions of dollars trying to right a ship that will right itself in due time if he'd just leave it alone. Watching him exert so much blunt force on so intricate a thing as the national economy is like watching an elephant try a flamenco dance. And he's bet trillions of dollars that it will work.
We're still pumping out students to the best law schools, right? Georgetown #14, NYU at #5?
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