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Old 06-02-2009, 05:59 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by marsupial View Post
It didn't get better the second time I went as I was met with rudeness by one of the matrons. Danimal and I had been married for just a couple of weeks. I didn't know where I was supposed to go once I got dressed because 1) it was the first time I had ever been to the Provo temple; 2) it was my first time going through for someone else and 3) it was the first time I had ever been without an escort showing me around.

I asked a temple matron where I was suppose to go next. She answered abruptly, "perhaps if you attended the temple more frequently, you would remember where you are suppose to be." I had been endowed a whopping 2 weeks! Her rudeness was surprising to me because all I ever heard was how wonderful the temple is, how it is the celestial kingdom on earth, how everyone is the same in the temple, no one is judged and how there are so many people there to help you, blah, blah blah... She made me feel stupid and defensive.
The response you got from that temple worker is inexcusable. I hate to draw lines in the church, but it does tend to illustrate to me what the 3-hour block type of mormon mentality is to me. It's task focused and judgmental with a generous helping of guilt, rather than covenant focused. Anyone in the proper spirit would be helpful, welcoming and not judgmental. Almost all temple workers usually are. I'm sorry you experienced that there, but that person probably makes similar comments to people in church.
I am a libertarian

Last edited by BlueK; 06-02-2009 at 06:01 PM.
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