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Old 12-21-2008, 11:47 PM   #1
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catojordan77 is on a distinguished road
Default Thoughts from a new fan.

I will admit I am fairly new to the BYU fan experience. I had always routed for whoever I felt would represent the state the best. But after attending and working for the U of U... I slowly became exclusively a BYU fan. This has been the first year I have closely followed the team. And there are a few things I am concerned about. I'm not sure if these problems have always existed (institutional problems) or if they are more an indication of the current coaching staff.

First off, I am kind of sick of hearing that "the other team didn't beat us, our team beat ourselves." I have heard this from both coaches and players. This concerns me for a number of reasons. Lack of humility for one. A sense of entitlement and the expectation of winning without fighting for it is another. It gives the impression that the team believes they are superior. Clearly this team isn't superior. How are they expected to improve or learn from their mistakes?

I also hear from both coach and player that "we just didn't execute." Sure you didn't execute. Max Hall didn't execute well at times. Payne didn't execute at times. The DBs didn't execute at times. There were dropped balls at times. Every team has troubles executing at one time or another. Even Tebow, McCoy, and Bradford don't execute at times. It seems to me that the team doesn't execute at the same time.

I kind of think there is a sense of entitlement from the coaches and players. It comes across as if they feel like they don't have to put in extra effort to win. But that is what sets the great teams apart from the good teams. Giving 110%. I didn't get the impression the team did that this year.

There is no reason to complain about a 10 win season, but I feel like we could have won at least 2 out of the 3 games we lost. I think TCU handed us a legit defeat. We definitely didn't beat ourselves in that game. But the UofA and UofU games were different.

I don't know, maybe this is just me having to vent but the sense of entitlement concerns me. I'm not sure if it was just an unlucky year or if there are some coaching problems. My neighbor seems to think that Bronco is more of a church educator or inspirational speaker than a coach (he also seems to think that Bronco isn't recruiting well: choosing to reward past player's families or those with connections instead of talent).

Anyway, just ramblings from a fan confused about the season. Anyone have thoughts on any of these... well thoughts?

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