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Old 11-25-2008, 12:38 PM   #14
Clark Addison
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I have no beef, in theory, with home schooling, and I am aware of several people similar to those that minn_stat mentions. Having said that, I have also known home schooled kids, who seemed intelligent, who could barely read when they were 10 years old.

I think it is clear that many of us react to the motivations of LDS home school parents. Maybe I am simplifying, but in my experience, very many LDS parents who home school are not doing so to give their child a better education, but instead to give them a more moral education. They are upset that the schools are too liberal, or that the schools teach evolution, or sex ed, or that they read a book that talks about breasts, or something like that. They are much more concerned with shielding than in enriching or educating.
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