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Old 11-11-2008, 09:09 PM   #26
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Heh, right. Next home game let's have a show of hands of everyone who's a Coaches Circle donor. Then hand Bronco a mic so he can tell them all to leave the stadium, shouting "Good riddance."
Yawn. more non-responsive silliness.

You appear to have Entitled Fan and Condescending Fan syndrome rolled into one, making you very intolerable.
I am entitled. I am entitled to boo, cheer, critique, or support as I see fit. Or are you suggesting that I am not?

Entitled Fan syndrome consists of fans citing their "right" to stuff based on their financial contribution (right to boo, right to attend spring practice, etc). My deepest and most sincere apologies if you aren't one of Those.
I haven't relied on my contributions as a basis for my right to do anything. In fact, until this latest strawman post of yours, we werent even discussing "rights"

EDIT: I just realized you're referring to the entire "Fully Invested" campaign, and not some recent quote. What exactly do you find wrong with a coach asking fans to step up their commitment to the program?
I find nothing wrong a coach asking fans to step up their commitment. But if a coach is going to ask fans to step up their commitment, on the heels of receiving a huge pay raise and an extension directly out of the pockets of those same fans, then why would he get offended that people are let down by some of his work product?

Bronco shouldn't be questioning the investment of commitment of the fans when his very job is paid by the fans. Since you are relatively clueless as to how D-1 football programs operate financially, I can tell you that a 100% fan subsidy for a coaches salary is almost unheard of. Of all the things Bronco can complain about, fans being "invested" in the program is the worst one.
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