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Old 11-06-2008, 06:55 PM   #8
RC Vikings
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Originally Posted by tooblue View Post
In all honesty I would ask if you really know what your son's interests are? As a boy my true interests were often misunderstood or dismissed (sob story that Mormon Red Death will tease me about). I have 4 siblings all of which excelled in school and are now respectively: a doctor, lawyer, nurse, hospital administrator. I'm an artist and I live in Canada!

I'm not suggesting you are neglecting your son, or haven't listened etc.; or even that he's an artist that is going to move to Canada I'm simply suggesting that maybe the current social and educational environment he is in is mostly geared to producing lawyers or doctors or businessman and perhaps your son does not see himself as one of those things ... and if he is not one of those things he likely feels there's no hope, so why bother.

*yes, I'm relying on BarbaraGordon's * shtick
The kid wants to be a famous chef. When we went back east this summer the two places he wanted to see were Fenway Park and Bobby Fay's restaurant in New York City. I'm fine with this if I knew he would really do his best. He just needs to realize their is a huge difference in effort between having your own place and flipping burgers. Thanks for you thoughts.
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