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Old 11-05-2008, 06:07 PM   #4
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I'm genuinely curious about what SLC's long term view of this is. Maybe that is just not something they feel they can worry about. My suspicion is that the pro-gay marriage folks are just going to wait this out. 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, until a point comes when public sentiment is overwhelmingly in favor of the repeal of this amendment. Then it will be over in a land slide. This is a when, not an if in my opinion.

So what will happen in the mean time is the people will just go to other states to marry and you won't have it in California for however long it takes them to repeal it. I may be really wrong, and would like to be, but I believe that gay marriage is going to be very commonplace in the culture not too many years hence and that we are going to have it in all the blue states at a minimum.

Maybe, as some have suggested, this was more a benefit to the members of the church who got a chance to exercise their faith than it was anything else.
The Bible tells us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. -Galileo
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