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Old 10-29-2008, 09:33 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Tex View Post
Well, this is all a matter of opinion, of course, but here's the result as I see it. The legal requirement to permit gay scoutmasters would've caused many religiously affiliated troops to sever ties, including the LDS Church. In addition, parents who opposed the idea (not few in number) would probably pull their children out of the programs. A group like scouting cannot remain resilient and dynamic without money or people.

So, the Boy Scouts may have survived in some form, troops affiliated with secular organizations in liberal parts of the country (like New Jersey, where Dale was). But the national organization as we think of it today would've been radically changed (my word: "destroyed").
I'll just be up front and admit that LDS-affiliated scouting is entirely foreign to me. I find it very confusing. And I was both a BS and a GS.

And honestly, Tex, I'll try not to step on any toes here, but I don't think the withdrawal of all the LDS youth would constitute the end or even much of a radical change of BSA, except possibly in the state of Utah, where LDS scouting would take over as the primary youth scouting program.
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