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Old 10-29-2008, 05:50 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by creekster View Post
It's all about learnign to work for what you get, pal. Plus, when everyone handing out the goods is somebody you know from church, what's cool about that? "Tell Sister Larsen thank you kids and then move over to Borther Hunt's minivan and be sure to be courteous." Blecccchhh. You want to run through the courts of your subdivision, tearing through flower beds, trqampling bushes, rudely grabbing handfuls of candy from the proffered bowl of the grouchy neighbor that you never see and whose name you don't know and don't care to learn all while sweating your guts out in a cheap costume from whose mask you can barely see as you dodge traffic while crossing over to the other side of he street. PLus, you occasioanlly find some homes creepy but you still need to GET MORE CANDY and so you push on. All of this is lost in the Trunk or Treat parade.
Amen! Preach it Brother Creekster! Trunk or Treat is an abomination.

Your kids want candy? Why not just go down to Walmart, buy the 200 piece Val-U-Pak and hand it over to them? Wouldn't that be a lot more efficient if your goal is to just get your kids lots of candy?

I'm with Creekster - if the little shits want candy they've got to WORK for it. Trunk or Treat is for California Namby Pamby Wussies.
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