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Old 10-23-2008, 05:11 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by cougarobgon View Post
Why are mormons so afraid of truth?

I am Mormon and I am not afraid to hear you express what you believe to be true. Whether or not I accept it and argue with you about it is a different story.

It is anathema to question anything related to the church - it's seen as a betrayal of your testimony to even question. When did this become such a significant belief?

I question many things and I never feel I am betraying my testimony. I listen to the advice or counsel and if I believe it will uplift me and make me a better person, I follow it.

And I would say it's even a legitimate issue whether I'm seeing more than is actually there. Not just on CB, but I believe I see that mindset as being common among church members - heck, I was even taught a lot of that by my parents.

During my 30 year Church membership I have only resided in 7 different wards, not counting the areas during my 18 month mission. The mindset you profess exists was not common in those wards. I find that the diversity of membership from the hardliners to the liberals is an interesting spectrum that makes the Church a force to be reckon with and made/makes it enjoyable for me to attend Church.

Are mormons afraid of truth that might contradict their beliefs?
Again, I am not afraid to hear you express what you believe to be true. Whether or not I accept a different story.
I think you've got a healthy attitude on the issue. Many of the CB posters on the thread I linked, on the other hand, I believe do not.

You've been fortunate if you've experienced such a diversity in thought in your church life. My experience is not so diverse. Most of the members in my ward are very conservative politically, and those who are not tend to stay quiet.

From what I've experienced in the church, diversity is not rewarded. Conformity of thought is rewarded.
Get your stinking paws off me, you damned, dirty Yewt!

"Now perhaps as I spanked myself screaming out "Kozlowski, say it like you mean it bitch!" might have been out of line, but such was the mood." - Goatnapper

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