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Old 10-08-2008, 03:57 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post
Obama and his friends will take no prisoners. It is going to be like 1980, but the other way around. The judges will all be certified atheists who believe the First Amendment was intended to cover peep shows.

The federal register will quadruple in size. They'll try to nationalize all the health carriers and hospitals. We will see a golden age of protectionism, unions, and isolation.

For better or worse this is the end of America as a super power. World, you're on your own. I hope Western Europe is there to pick up the mantle of leadership in intenational affairs we will have abandoned.

Who is to blame? George Bush and the social conservatives who supported him. (Yes, the Mormons are among the guilty parties; what a great year to offer up Prop. 80, dipshits; karma.) For my part, I'm totally fed up with their knuckleheaded relgious banter and jingoism, so I can only imagine how less conservative voters feel. More than ever I feel the conviction that George W. Bush was our worst president ever. He destroyed the conservative movement--it will likely not recover in 28 years--and quite possibly this country. In his retirement he should be as reviled and despised as Barry Bonds. Bush is evil, and worse, very stupid.
I would like also like to place blame on the National Review types, with Tex and Snipe as their acolytes. They sip their cocktails while the house they are in is burning, and they don't even smell any smoke.

28 years after the Reagan Revolution, conservatism, as it was known for almost 30 years, is officially bankrupt and dead.
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