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Old 10-07-2008, 04:52 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by il Padrino Ute View Post
I will agree that McCain is using his days as a POW to his advantage. But I think he has earned it precisely because of what he went through. He went through hell not for himself, but trying to help others have the same freedom we have in this country. It may not qualify him for POTUS, but it certainly should not be belittled for any reason.

I was pissed about how Kerry got swiftboated. As a veteran of war, his military record should not have been touched either.
I can only imagine what he went through.

Once he starts using it for personal gain, then he has sent the message to the public that it is no longer a personal, sacred experience for him, but rather another arrow in his quiver that he can draw upon when running for office.

Think of the deeply personal tribulations in your life.

How many of them have you touted as a basis for job qualification?

Also, did you, at any time, mock Clinton's infidelities? Make jokes about it? Laugh about it? That was a personal family matter. It probably wreaked havoc on Chelsea as a little girl. Did you stump against any sort of mockery of the Clinton the name of good taste and doing what is right? Doubtful.

Let's all get off our high horses folks. When you play partisan politics, eventually it comes back to bite you in the rear. if we don't think McCain's inability to raise his arms over his head should be mocked, then it shouldn't be lauded, either. It shouldnt play a part in the process at all. Once he plays it for sympathy, it becomes open season.
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