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Old 09-30-2008, 08:25 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Black Diamond Bay View Post
I would like a male perspective on this one from unbiased parties.

I went on a blind date a few months ago with someone my sister set me up with, whom she had never actually met. That's right, she met him online before she met her husband. This individual lives back east, so she never met him in person, but somehow found out he was in town this summer, and immediately pawned him off on me because she knows I'm fond of blind dates.

We went to dinner one night, right before he left for the airport. I think I spent one, maybe two hours with him before he left. Since then he calls, emails, etc... You know, stays in touch. He's always saying that I need to leave California and move back east to marry him, but it's a joke. It's always been a joke. Then suddenly yesterday things took this turn to the serious side, and he said that he really wants me to come to New Jersey. He tried to talk me into Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I declined. So then he's moved along to this "you're losing your job anyway, why don't you come live out here for a month, I know someone with a basement apartment that will let you stay there..." line. Again I declined, on the grounds that I need to start school. So then he tried negotiating for two weeks, and I finally promised that I would consider one. However, I gave him a long list of all the reasons why I would not be a suitable spouse for him, and he listened and said that I have said nothing that has changed his mind. He followed that up with a speech about being a worthy priesthood holder, stable, solid career, generous, loving, etc... and says that I need to plan on heading east.

I have tried to impress upon him the reality that the mere idea of going out there to visit gives me anxiety, much less actually going, and the thought of moving there makes me feel panicky. He says that's fine, it wouldn't panic him, and the fact that we are different is a good thing!?!?

I also tried telling him that I can't promise anything because if BYU goes to a BCS bowl game I will need to attend, and that may put some financial restraints on me that will not allow me to go dinking off on the east coast while I should be finding my little part-time student job out here. He was completely unphased and said that he will come meet me at the bowl game, and accompany me from there back east, and he has connections and can easily find me a job to work while I'm out there.

My roommate thinks I should go, I think one week trapped on the opposite coast with someone I've only met once is most definitely not a good idea, and that I should stay and get ready to start school.
I don't disagree with the logic of those who say you should go for it, but this guy sounds more than a little desperate if you ask me. The fact that he is, in essence, begging somebody who he has met just once to come back east and get married, seems bizarre, if not a little psycho to me. Not to mention, with all your excuses, you've made it painfully clear the feelings aren't mutual yet he still continues to pester.

I'd stay away.
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