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Old 09-28-2008, 03:24 AM   #7
Jeff Lebowski
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Originally Posted by UtahDan View Post
Hmmm. I see what he is trying to say but going from people wanting someone who they can relate to and feel comfortable with to the notion that this is an anti-intellectual anti-education impulse is a big leap, and not one supported by the overwhelming evidence.

I'm sorry, but no one gets to be a Senator or a Governor if they are stupid and uneducated. Palin may not be the greatest mind our country has to offer and I'm not arguing she has an Obama like intellect. But when someone argues that she is nothing more than a sideline reporter who somehow stumbled into a VP candidacy they marginalize themself with me.

Is he seriously arguing that Republicans want stupid people leading them? That is maybe the dumbest thing, or the most disingenous, I have heard a pundit say in a while. No doubt that flatters the world view of some on the left but it is not a serious thing to say.
Oh come on. You are twisting his thesis. He is not saying that they value stupidity or that they purposefully sought out a dimwitted candidate. He is saying that the Palin choice indicates that they sometimes find other traits more important. Or that they cynically manipulate the "she's one of us" angle to deflect attention from her shortcomings.
"... the arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King, Jr.
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