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Old 09-11-2008, 12:28 AM   #3
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cougarobgon is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by exUte View Post

Contrast that to what Mike Waters claimed earlier.
I have been following the other thread originally posted by Mike Waters. Not knowing the makeup of the board, I will assume I am the board's token "minority" with brown skin who has never seen a Monty Python movie. Am I offended by the quote? NO. Do I believe the quote is outdated and should not be used in the Church's curriculum? YES. Could other so called "minorities" be offended after reading the quote? YES. Should they be offended? NO. President Hinckley clearly stated there is no place in this Church for racial discrimination. However, it is unfortunate that the quote got by the AP manual's editor.

My concern with the quote is how it is being taught in YM's classes. Is the quote just being read without a discussion of the racial component? If it isn't being discussed, I believe the YM are left to interpret the quote for themselves and many will see it as a racist statement and will be affected by it in some way or another. I am also interested to know why the quote was included in the YM's manual and not in the YW's manual, despite the YW also being taught lessons on preparing for marriage. I quickly looked over the YW's manual and the manual included other quotes that could have been used.

Despite the quote, the Church will continue to prosper and all will be well.
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