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Old 09-09-2008, 04:21 PM   #46
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Let's see If I've got this right. Obama thinks its the neighborly thing to do to force us to give our money to charity. Hmm, this is like de ja vu.

"Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. [1] Modern socialism originated in the late nineteenth-century working class political movement. Karl Marx posited that socialism would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution, it being the transitional stage between capitalism and communism.[2][3]"

Why hide it? What you're advocating is pure socialism....only under a different name. How convenient. Who stops this train once it starts? Or do we get to have the acquaintance of or buddies Stalin and Lenin.

By the way, any of you all advocating so strongly for this Obama culture ever visit the soviet union in it hay day? Damn, probably not.
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