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Old 07-11-2006, 12:50 AM   #1
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Default Congrats to Mrs. Archaea

Referring to his post elsewhere about completing the Death Ride. That is a huge deal, especially if she is as new to the sport as he says.

How did she feel on Sunday?

For me, it really was a sentinel event, as I doubt I will aspire to that much pain ever again. The last pass, Carson Pass, really is brutal. It just keeps going and going. There is a rest stop half way up, and a couple of areas where the grade levels off a bit, but for that beast to come after 90+ miles of riding is really unfair. The worst part is the last 2 miles, as the pitch heads up to the 16-18% range, there is no shade, and more often than not, there is a headwind coming right at you. Coming back down that stretch is insane as well, as that is where I hit 55mph last year.

Send our sincere congrats to your wife from your geek cyber buddies, if you dare.
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