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Old 09-07-2008, 03:55 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by SeattleUte View Post

1) The refs shouldn't have made that call then. There is room for discretion. I was there. The ball didn't go that high. You don't call outcome determinative celebration penalties where the kid flipped the ball over his shoulder. It's just not done. I don't care how long it took for the ball to land. This is a game played by kids, anyway (except for BYU, which has 70% RM's).

2) The PAT was blocked because the trajectory was lower. The kid was kicking from 40 yards beyond the goal posts. Be honest with yourselves.

3) Still, the blocked PAT was once more instance of what I felt was poor execution overall by Washington.

4) Wide open guys overthrown or dropping passes in four out of five downs on that last drive. Washington is an inept team. I'm now firmly in the fire Willingham camp. It's a bad team. I want Willinghm out.

5) When Washington really needed to make a play Locker just boot legged it. BYU seems big but slow afoot on defense. But for the bad celebration call I'd have liked to have seen Washington just go for two and let Locker run it, quarterback draw or something. I wonder if BYU could have prevented him from getting in the end zone.

6) Once again, Cali can see things no other way but his way. It's so patently obvious to him BYU would have won in OT, who cares about the unconscionable celebration call? (I can only imagine the reaction here and on CB had the call gone the other way.) Vintage Cali. (Cali, where does the LDS Church keep those $5 billion in green backs lying around?)

7) Still, I tend to agree Washington is just too inept to have won in OT. All the fans around me wanted Washington to go for two until the penalty was called.

8) I hope Washington has an extreme patsy on its schedule (I haven't checked), because otherwise it may not win a game. Last year I think it was 2-10. It is destined for 8-10 place in the Pac 10. No way it finishes higher than 8th. Willingham is done.

9) We arrived at half time. I had to shoo away a BYU fan reclinging in our seats.

10) A couple of BYU slogans I saw on shirts seemed cult-like. "Fully invested." "The Quest." What do they mean?

11) I decided BM is an asshole on this basis: He asked for two plays reviewed that were obvious from where I sat and on the big monitor the refs got right (the Unga fumble and the long Wasington pass to the right out of bounds on the last drive). I wish they penalized 15 yards when a team does that and the call isn't even close.
So I take it you had a good time?
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