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Old 08-20-2008, 04:05 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Levin View Post
My niece got drunk and had unprotected sex with a guy she met at a bar while in Europe. My brother and his wife encouraged her to take the morning after pill, which she did. She was barely 18 at the time.

I think my brother and his wife were wrong. I'm fine with birth control, but not the morning after pill. There is a difference between preventing life and ending it. The scientific niceties of what a two-day old zygote is does not concern me. I would have told my daughter that one of the consequences of her actions was the possibility that she could get pregnant. The sexual act is the means by which life is created, and if she performs that act irresponsibly, it could have life altering consequences.

Small choices can have cataclysmic consequences. Life is hard. We have to accept the consequences of our actions. Blunting them with the convenience of modern technology is moral robbery in my opinion.

And my attitude does not come from a perspective of punishment. The damage to her soul by taking the morning-after pill, and the fundamental altering of her worldview that occurred when she did so, are much worse then carrying a baby to term and then giving it up for adoption. Morning sickness, the heartache of giving the baby up, yes. But such pains do nothing to her soul. The quick fix for heedless sex, the ending of life, does much to her soul.
Their error in judgement was to not respect their daughter's privacy. Why would they share this information, especially if they know your extremist views?

Surely, you aren't serious about not giving your daughter the MAP. What makes you think that giving up a child would do nothing to her soul? She could feel that torment for the rest of her life.

It must be nice to be able to think/believe in absolutes all the time.
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