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Old 08-16-2008, 04:07 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by 8ballrollin View Post
The Yorks suck.
It just so happens that I root for a team owned by a man named Daniel Snyder. Consider the follow scene from Hitchcock's Stranger on a Train. Just think about it.

Guy: Let's change subject, Bruno, can't we?
: Okay, Guy. Want me to tell you one of my ideas for murdering my father?
: [indicating the detective novels] You've been reading too many of these.
: You want to hear about the busted light socket in the bathroom, or the carbon monoxide in the garage?
: No. I may be old fashioned, but I thought murder was against the law.
Bruno: But not against the law of nature. My theory is that everybody is a potential murderer. Didn't you ever want to kill somebody? Say one of those useless fellows Miriam was running around with?
: You can't go around killing people just because you think they're useless.
: Oh, what's a life or two? Some people are better off dead, Guy. Take your -- wife and my father, for instance. It reminds me of a wonderful idea had once. I used to put myself to sleep at night -- figuring it out. Now, let's say you want to get rid of your wife.
: Why?
Bruno: Let's say she refuses to give you a divorce -- [raises a finger and stops Guy's protest] Let's say. You'd be afraid to kill her because you'd get caught. And what would trip you up? Motive. Now here's the plan...
: I'm afraid I haven't time to listen.
: It's so simple, too. A couple of fellows meet accidentally, like you and me. No connection between them at all. Never saw each other before. Each of them has somebody he'd like to get rid of, but he can't murder the person he wants to get rid of. He'll get caught. So they swap murders.
: Swap murders?
Bruno: Each fellow does the other fellow's murder. Then there is nothing to connect them. The one who had the motive isn't there. Each fellow murders a total stranger. Like you do my murder and I do yours.
: We're coming into my station.
: For example, your wife, my father. Criss-cross.
The Bible tells us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go. -Galileo
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