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Old 08-15-2008, 03:46 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by RockyBalboa View Post
You read my post pretty accurately.

Mike is half-Asian, so his pseudo outrage is understandable. When Mike stops being such an asshole and isn't always trying to garner some kind of reaction from people, then I might actually take him seriously. Hell...even when he says he's being serious, he can rarely to be trusted that he is.

I agree that in this age of uber-sensitivity that people should be smarter than that to make those kinds of gestures or to use certain words.

I also believe that Political Correctness has been way out of hand for a long time.

How does one reconcile the 2?
I view it this way....regardless of one's personal feelings towards political correctness, we live in an age where such behaviors ARE stigmatized.

Ignoring that simply displays really poor judgment and a lack of awareness. Forget about the feelings of others for a simply is not a smart move from a self-preservation standpoint. You (generically) are purposely engaging in behavior that is going to be received negatively.

From a PR standpoint, what a stupid decision on the part of the Spanish Olympic team. From a common sense standpoint, what a stupid decision, as well. I have never discussed it with any Asians, but I have a feeling they are not very keen on the old slant-eyed routine.

Along those lines, I have never understood the complaints about political correctness. So people don't like to be called the n word, fag, etc...then I won't call them those words. I cant think of a good reason to call someone those names. I can't think of a good reason to call a female co-worker a "chick." I can understand how all Spanish speakers do not want to be referred to generically as Mexicans.

And although I still have not really opted to start using the term "personhole" instead of "manhole," it seems that there is wisdom in using gender appropriate descriptions for occupations. If you were a guy, how would you feel if everyone were collectively referred to as policewomen? It would be kind of strange.

This post has inspired me. Labels are bad form. As such, I am no longer going to refer to Lindsey Lohan as "firecrotch." I just don't feel good about it anymore.
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