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Old 07-25-2008, 05:00 AM   #5
AKA SeattleNewt
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Originally Posted by Venkman View Post
Oooooooooh...This is fun. Is Obama Hitler? Or is he Jesus?

* Speeches in stadiums filled with mesmerized, adoring audiences - Check
Jesus. Though Jerusalem didn't have stadiums, he drew a big crowd at the beach and on an olive hill.
* An uninspiring background before meteoric rise - Check
Jesus. With the exception of his 12-year old temple trip, he came out of nowhere.
* Creates his own new symbols of power - Check
* Associates with racists, hatemongers and violent radicals - Check
Hitler. Though Jesus mingled with the controversial, the adultress had nothing on Nazis.
* A propaganda machine willing to show him only in the best possible light - Check
Hitler. Jesus was ratted out by a disciple and one of his most trusted denied him three times.
* Uses, “glorious leader” style Agitprop posters common in totalitarian nations - Check (see German campaign poster for example)
Hitler. The literature didn't come out for some time after Jesus was gone.
* Wants Secret Police force - Check
Hitler, unless you count the Danites.
* Somebody powerful people think they can control - Check
Jesus. A lot of people have been wielding Jesus for illicit purposes.
* Often dismissed as a light-weight by his opponents - Check
Jesus. Boy did they underestimate him.
* Seeks to replace God with the State - Check
Hitler. Give Jesus credit for recognizing the difference between God and Government.
* People adopting his name as their own - Check
Jesus. Everybody has met a Jesus.
* Inspires adoration art - Check
Jesus in a landslide.
* Appropriates symbols of past German glory - Check
Hitler. I don't believe Germany was around in 0 A.D., but I could be wrong.
* Never plans on giving up power - Check (Obama to be president for the next “eight to 10 years”)
Jesus. Eternity is a long time.
* A narcissistic megalomaniac - Check
Hitler. Jesus wanted to give honor to the Father.
* Brazenly Takes credit for other people’s accomplishments - Check
Hitler. Jesus just wants credit for his accomplishments.
* Wants to build “youth” movement through State service - Check
Hitler. Jesus just uses EFY.
* Acts as if in power before he is - Check
Hitler. Jesus first saw John the Baptist before he acted in his role.
* Some followers believe him to be divine - Check
Jesus. In a landslide.
* Worshiped and aided greatly by the media - Check

Frightened yet?
Hitler -11
Jesus -9

There we have it. Barack Obama is Hitler by a nose. I am officially frightened.

Last edited by YOhio; 07-25-2008 at 05:08 AM.
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