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Old 07-16-2008, 12:24 AM   #22
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: With Surfah
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Gidget is on a distinguished road

A tragedy, NOT abuse by any means though. Again, I think when YOU ARE a parent you'll realize those things are just very hard to categorize. SO tell me Rocky, do you think she's a bad parent because of this one mistake, deserves jail time, what would make you happy (since you don't know her personally at all). Me and Surfah once got into the car with our daughter-put her in her carseat and realized 10 minutes later when she was saying high to us from the center console that we forgot to buckle her in. Now, nothing fatal happened, we pulled over and buckled her in properly feeling like total idiots and very guilty, taking with us the knowledge to not assume the other parent did the buckling, but what if something had happened? Should we be burned at the stake?
I am a philosophical Goldilocks, always looking for something neither too big nor too small, neither too hot nor too cold, something jussssst right. I'll send you a card from purgatory. - PaloAltoCougar
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