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Old 07-10-2008, 04:44 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by creekster View Post
I ahdn't considered Petacchi. He was banned so maybe it is him. It doesn't look like Boonen to me. Plus, I don't think Boonen has kids. It looks like Zabel to me, and wasn't he banned many years ago (he is an old guy)? But it seems like a cheap shot to put him in the ad and not include RIjs (who was apparently removed becasue hte tour restored his win in the record books due to the lapse of more than 10 years between victory and discovery) or Millar, who was also in it originally and removed in deference ot his current very public anti-doping position.

I will look again tonight and see if it is at all like petacchi. You look and tell me if you think it might be Zabel.

Driving me nuts, I tell you.
I think you're right that it is Zabel. The video is up on the Versus site, so I paused it so I could get a better look. Definitely older podium, and he's wearing a Telekom jersey. Zabel won the green jersey in '96 and '97 and a year or so ago admitted taking EPO during that time frame. I don't know if he was ever suspended (same as Riis, who is the bald guy in yellow earlier in the video, wearing a similar jersey).

Do you figure that's Mario Cipollini early on in the video? He often got in trouble for wearing outrageous outfits, but I don't know that he was ever suspended for doping.

Riders I think I can identify are Landis (Phonak), Ullrich (Bianchi and T-Mobile), Basso (CSC), Rasmussen (Rabobank), Riis (Telekom), Pantani (Mercatone Uno), and Vinokurov (Astana).

I don't really care for the ads; I think they're a cheap shot, and would rather they focus on positives rather than negatives.
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