Thread: Cui Bono?
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Old 07-08-2008, 02:11 PM   #27
Jeff Lebowski
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Originally Posted by Levin View Post
Wishing that the law of chastity encompassed no premarital sex, gay or straight, but permitted post-marital sex, gay or straight, does not change the reality of what has been handed to us by the First Presidency.

Until the First Presidency changes the law of chastity along the lines above, all I'm left with are the scriptures on carrying the cross, and Christ's promise to help with the load (to give hope that the burden has a purpose).

For most gay mormons, who will have gay sex (I agree with you; sexual desire is like thirst or hunger; tell a man not to drink or eat his entire life . . . ), that means a life of sexual fulfillment, but spiritual torment (if they still believe). I have to believe that part of Christ's promise to help carry the load includes carrying some of this spiritual anguish in sin for those who are asked to carry the heaviest of crosses.
Well at the end of the day, we end up going with with what we perceive as truth, eh? I understand and respect what you are saying, but at a fundamental/gut level, I just can't buy this argument. It doesn't seem right to me and it never has.
"... the arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King, Jr.
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