Thread: Cui Bono?
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Old 07-08-2008, 02:38 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by All-American View Post
So we've hacked around the issue of the Church's stance on gay marriage for the last few days, but I haven't seen anybody address THIS particular aspect of the question:

Cui Bono?

What is the church getting out of this fight? Why is it that the leaders of the church, rather than merely stand by and shake their heads, feel compelled to speak out on this particular issue? What do they hope to gain by their opposition?

I see it as one of the following:

1. It's essentially a PR move, meant to appeal to a potential audience of converts
2. It's a defensive maneuver, meant to counter what the brethren feel is a threat to the well being of the church
3. It is strictly for the benefit of those who will heed their counsel and lead a lifestyle that is in harmony with the teachings of the church.

Or maybe something else. What do you think?
I'm not this cynical. In my mind there is little question that this is being done because the brethren believe that gay marriage is a moral evil which the Lord wants them to take a stand against. I think any possible cost benefit analysis gets swallowed up in this much larger point.

We can certainly disagree about whether they are right, but I at least believe their motives to be pure.
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