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Old 07-07-2008, 06:18 PM   #1
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Default Vacation rides this past weekend

We had our big family reunion this weekend. My brother wasn't able to make it, so for Fridays ride it was just my cousin and I. Saturday it was a bigger ride with aunts, uncles and cousins.

Friday the two of us went exploring, trying to find a good route for Saturday. It was late in the day and we weren't really planning on anything too intense. We found a place called Lady Bird Johnson State Park. As soon as we turned into the park, the road took off uphill. He had a Garmin 305 with grade setting on it. It started off about 12% grade. Within a half mile it jumped up to about 18% and stayed around there for a couple of miles. At about 3 miles, it topped out at 27% and stayed there for almost a mile.

All in all, we did about 2,500 feet in about 4 miles. Downhill was insane, as the road was terrible, and it was shady and hard to pick a line. My water bottles were both covered with brake dust by the time we hit the bottom.

Saturdays ride was tame but very nice We did an easy 20 miles through the Redwoods. One decent climb gave us almost 1,000 feet for the ride. The scenery was incredible. Aside from one of my other cousins crashing, it was a great ride.
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